Code Examples | Example:
echo $this->Form->input('Tag',
input( field[string], options[array] )
Perhaps no other helper function is quite so versatile as the
$form->input() function. This tool works both to receive and to
send data.
The $form->input() Function’s Automagic Responses to
Database Field Structures
Field Type Returns
====== ===========================
Boolean => Check box input element
Date => Day, month, and year select menus
Datetime => Day, month, year, hour, minute, and meridian select menus
String => (for example, varchar) Text box input element
Text => Text area element
Time => Hour, minute, and meridian select menus
Timestamp => Day, month, year, hour, minute, and meridian select menus
Tinyint(1) => Check box
String or text fields named => Password
password, passwd, or psword
Options Available for Use in the type Parameter in the options Array
Option Description
==== =============================
checkbox Alias for the $form->checkbox() function
date Renders select menus ordered as month, day, and year
datetime Alias for the $form->dateTime() function
file Alias for the $form->file() function
hidden Alias for the $form->hidden() function
password Alias for the $form->password() function
radio Alias for the $form->radio() function
select Alias for the $form->select() function
text Alias for the $form->text() function
textarea Alias for the $form->textarea() function
time Renders select menus ordered as hour, minute, and meridian |