
No Category Code Examples Test Code Links Remarks
 1 cli commands zf create project zfproject cd zfproject
 2 cli zf create project blog #Create a blog project with its default folder structures.
 3 cli zf create controller Posts # Create a controller class within blog project # (with view placeholders).
 4 cli zf create action view Posts # Create a viewAction inside PostsController # class, need to add code to retrieve database data.
 5 entry point blog/public/index.php Public entry point of a web application (this seldomly changes). Main purpose: 1. Set up path to application directory and application evironment; 2. Set up include path for the application; 3. Set up application configuration parameters; 4. Run bootstrap to start the application dispatch loop (request/response loop).
 6 entry point blog/public/.htacces Redirect all web application url access to index.php to further handling. You can set development environment variable here too. http://bsagols.wordpress.com/2010/09/02/zend-framework-rewriting-rules-explained-htaccess/
 7 entry point blog/application/Bootstrap.php => Bootstrap do all necessary preparations for application (such as autoload classes, resources defined in application.ini file or under its own _init functions). => It makes its resources application wide accessible.
 8 docs http://lordseeks.com/Zend/Zend-framework-overview.html http://lordseeks.com/Zend/Zend-framework-overview.html