Vi Command

No Command Type Command Meaning
 151 Miscellaneous Commands : e file.ext edit the file nnamed file.ext.
 152 Miscellaneous Commands : e # edit the previous file that was edited.
 153 Miscellaneous Commands : e ! start over editing the file that you are now on.
 154 Miscellaneous Commands : e + file.ext edit the file startinig at the bottom.
 155 Miscellaneous Commands : e + number edit the file starting at specified line number.
 156 Miscellaneous Commands : w write out the file.
 157 Miscellaneous Commands :w file.ext write out the file to a file named file.ext.
 158 Miscellaneous Commands :w! file.ext overwrite the file file.ext.
 159 Miscellaneous Commands :wq write and quit.
 160 Miscellaneous Commands :q quit.
 161 Miscellaneous Commands :ZZ exit from vi, saving changes.
 162 Miscellaneous Commands :q! exit from vi, discarding changes.
 163 Miscellaneous Commands ctrl-Z suspending editing and return to top-level shell.